Signal Slayers LLC.        Titusville, Fl.

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It takes quality test equipment
AND, the experience to run it, to solve interference issues the same day

Same Day Service Is Back:

Signal Slayers LLC,

We have the test equipment and over 50 years of combined experience to solve your puzzle:

Imagine the possibilities of having a source of interference shut down by the end of the day.

Interference hunting is not rocket science. The art and craft of successful interference
locating services is based on the proper test equipment, the knowledge to run this equipment,
a properly outfitted tracking vehicle, and good data. When you have these things in hand,
your interference doesn't stand a chance with Signal Slayers. Unlike other companies who
hit the street without the proper field experience and tools, Signal Slayers ensures that your Field Tech Rep
is properly equipped with GPS driven mapping, the best of R.F. technology and the most
up to date information about your noise problem.

We want you to know that we strive for Same Day Service and Same Day Location of your
interference source. Please give us a call to talk about finding your noisy neighbor.
Thank you,

Don't let problems go un-solved. Please give us a try :)

The Tools Of The Trade
Images Can Be Emailed



Spectrum Analyzer.


The Smartest Bird


The Testo Model 881 Delux Kit With Telephoto Lens


Vehicle Mast Kit 1 of 2


Bird Calls


Spectrum Analyzer



Complete R.F. Test Set


directional Antenna


Directional Antenna


Computer Mounted In Truck


21 GHz Analyzer


Typical GPS



With the right tools and a bit of talent, we will solve your problems:

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Signal Slayers LLC. || 7370 Turkey Point Drive. , Titusville, Florida 32780 || Office ( 561 ) 346-8494 ||
Site creation by Signal Slayers LLC. . © Copyright Signal Slayers LLC 2017.  All Rights Reserved.
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